Ugur Coskun

Software Engineer & Frontend Developer

My main focus;
My strong points are;



  • Nodejs
  • es6
  • typescript
  • hoc
  • scope
  • functional-programming


  • Redux
  • styled-components
  • Saga
  • Thunk
  • echarts
  • antd
  • formik
  • react-hook-form


  • MongoDB
  • MySQL
  • Postgresql
  • JanusGraph


  • NextAuth
  • Page Routing
  • Maintaining
  • Installation


  • CSS
  • SCSS
  • Tailwind


Kafein - ReactJS - Frontend Developer (Currently)

Istanbul, TR

As a react developer, my main responsibility build react/nextjs applications. My main project is about e-commerce (with admin panel). Also supporting other react projects

    • Creating project structure for front-end.
    • Developing reusable components. Always trying to implement components to storybook
    • Care of authentication mechanism and routing mechanism.(next-auth, keycloak)
    • Support and bugfix for old tech pages.(purejs/html/css)

Kafein - ReactJS - Frontend Developer

Istanbul, TR

As a react developer, my main responsibility Converting UX design to React interactive pages, parsing api data and create reusable components.

    • Developing reusable design, interactive pages.
    • Support and bugfix for old tech pages.(purejs/html/css)

Frontend Developer

Istanbul, TR

As a react developer, my main responsibility is create dynamic forms, parsing api data and create reusable components

    • Developed complex form wizard with different selection for different user-types
    • Implement form validations and handling different error types with user-friendly ways

Frontend Developer

Checkin The company which provides to the user sign-up and sing-in pages with great quality + user friendly
Stockholm, Sweden

As a vue developer, my main responsibility is create new form fields as customer requirements and configure the design

    • Developed new form fields, redesign for customer requirements
    • Parsing data and convert data as compatible the api supposed, (Every country has different rules about collecting data)
    • Adapted the components for every screen size.

Software Engineer

Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. is an independent, privately-held company that provides information and communication technology (ICT).
Istanbul, TR

I have worked for almost 3.5 years in Huawei. My department aims on the big data analytic system and provide telecommunication customers, analysis page

    SmartCare Team in Turkcell Project
    • Detecting issues and focusing solving problems.
    • Modify application for new customer requirements.
    • Modify customer dashboard
    SmartCare Team in Knowledge Graph Project
    • Adapting new Graph technologies (JanusGraph, Gremlin) and sharing Knowledge with team with creating documentation
    • Create documentation and implement Solr module at the project. (Kerberos configuration, elastic search compare)
    • Creating generic schema module (with JAVA) and write bash script which display schema's details on terminal, implement tests
    • Support the other modules and increase performance of API.
    • Development front-end side with React-Redux-Thunk-Saga.
    • Experienced Scrum master last part of this project
    SmartCare Team in Germany Project
    • Detecting issues and solving.
    • Summary of big data with desktop app according to customer requirements
    • Create scripts and creating desktop app which manupilating big data tables (adding new columns, removing new columns according to table suffix).
    SmartCare Team in Algeria Project
    • Detecting UI issues and solving
    • Support from Chart components (High-Charts)
    • Changing sql scripts for new database
    • Increasing the performance
    SmartCare Team in Saudi Arabia Project
    • Designed many modules ( dynamic charts, sequence-diagrams, battery diagrams ) and their functionalities.
    • Designed pages for different apps (5+ different apps)
    • Prepare database schemas, adapting the ui with metrics
    • Production support, releasing app.
    • Increasing app performance
    • Detecting data issues and reporting to other teams or solving myside
    • Provides documentation for apps
    • Reviewing merge requests, and helping CI
    SmartCare Team in Vodafone Project
    • Creating UI design as user-friendly
    • Implement panels which inculudes dynamic forms, dynamic rules and includes strange input components.
    • Manage GIT repository and helping the team as reviewing merge requests
    SmartCare Team in Huawei Mobile Services Core
    • Creating flutter example with using HMS
    • Creating documentation, and being part of testing phase
    SmartCare Internal Projects
    • Contributed documents which about some big components
    • Reporting app for gitlab data (How many comments, how many users, user commits, users pr counts)
    • Finding dependency of all department apps.
    • Prepared interview questions
    • Helping the other team mostly frontend support and design
    • Contributed of the SmartCare Framework.
      • Part of development SmartCare UI Framework as a React/Typescript Developer
      • Created example apps and tons of documentation for adapting easily new teammates (Frontend Part)
      • Implemented lots of components our story book( Which common components for UIs ).
      • Implemented tests for each components (Our coverage was 80%)
      • Contributed babel/webpack parts
      • Maintained whole time this framework, changing data handling or core part for new requirements, increase performance

Software Developer

Istanbul, TR

As a full-stack developer, also consultant of websites and mobile apps

    • Created more user friendly design for IETT webpages, analysis the current web statistic data
    • Support new feature for iett mobile apps, increase accesibilty for all user
    • Created webservice for stream data
    • Created internal magazine app which all the user check the iett internal news and read weekly magazine + download
    • Creating internal app, holding tasks for departments and report system to their manager

Software Developer

Istanbul, TR

Boutique Agency which focus e-commerce website or static websites

    • Supported ecommerce website responsive design
    • Supported some external social media module and some services with PHP
    • Created website with Octomer-CMS(PHP framework)

Software Developer

Giyotin Agency
โ€“ Present
Istanbul, TR

Boutique Agency which focus static websites

    • Created websites with PHP/Javascript/Jquery/Ajax/Wordpress



Future Star

Awarded by Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Huawei awards its employees who have been voted by their colleagues.

Sparking Star

Awarded by Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Huawei awards its employees who make hard-work that period.

Sparking Star

Awarded by Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Huawei awards its employees who make hard-work that period.

Future Star

Awarded by Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Huawei awards its employees who have been voted by their colleagues.

Sparking Star

Awarded by Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Huawei awards its employees who make hard-work that period.

Future Star

Awarded by Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Huawei awards its employees who have been voted by their colleagues.

Future Star

Awarded by Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Huawei awards its employees who have been voted by their colleagues.







Working Proficiency



  • Sci-Fi
  • Comedy
  • Thriller


  • FPS
  • Twitch


  • Youtube


Kelime Cevir (Word Finder)

Web App, Android App
โ€“ Present

The multi platform app Word Finder asks the user the meaning of the english word. The player should find the correct answer between 2 options. It also has global score-board, user preferences, authentication flow.

  • React
  • React-Native
  • Firebase
  • MongoDB
  • express
  • Javascript
  • Typescript
  • javascript

Mind Changer

Web App, Android App
โ€“ Present

The website create an decision panel which user can fill the sections.

  • React
  • styled-components
  • nodejs
  • MongoDB

Rick & Morty

Web App
โ€“ Present

The website visualize the rick & morty episodes. Search, filter data from rick & morty API

  • React
  • styled-components

React Sequence Diagram (react-sd)

npm module
โ€“ Present

The module lets you create sequence diagram in your react app. Deveoper can configure its styling and use it on their project simply

  • React
  • CSS

Metrobus Alarm

Android App
โ€“ Present

Thats the android app which get user final destination and start a service which aware the user just before that. Also show the user current destionation. Has different 10 activity screen, one of them allows the user make same customization about ui preferences, one of them let the user read last metrobus news (created a webservice), favorite destionation panels and let the users some comments for destinations.

  • Java
  • PHP
  • MongoDB
  • Firebase (Mostly notification service)


Web App
โ€“ Present

The web app which display earthquake data of istanbul according to municipality data. User can select district then display the data.

  • React
  • Redux
  • Echarts
  • antd
  • styled-components

Meeting App

Web App, Android App
โ€“ Present

The cross platfom app (android, web) users can schedule meeting and invite people. Create an rooms when scheduled meeting started, then the moderator demonstrate the related document. Participants can send the message while prediction continues. The moderator assign the task to participants. System saves the task with deadline. The participants has own page which can track own tasks.

  • PHP
  • Javascript
  • Jquery
  • AJAX

Student Attendance System

Web App, Android App
โ€“ Present

The multiplatform app which tracks students attendance to lessons. Teachers and parents has visual pages which can see the overall student/students reports. Teachers has feature to send mail of analysis reports to specific student parents

  • PHP
  • React-native
  • CSS
  • mysql


Web App
โ€“ Present

I have a channel most about Javascript and its' frameworks

  • React
  • Next.js
  • Typescript
  • javascript