Kelime Cevir (Word Finder)
The multi platform app Word Finder asks the user the meaning of the
english word. The player should find the correct answer between 2
options. It also has global score-board, user preferences,
authentication flow.
- React
- React-Native
- Firebase
- MongoDB
- express
- Javascript
- Typescript
- javascript
The website create an decision panel which user can fill the
- React
- styled-components
- nodejs
- MongoDB
The website visualize the rick & morty episodes. Search, filter
data from rick & morty API
React Sequence Diagram (react-sd)
The module lets you create sequence diagram in your react app.
Deveoper can configure its styling and use it on their project
Thats the android app which get user final destination and start a
service which aware the user just before that. Also show the user
current destionation. Has different 10 activity screen, one of them
allows the user make same customization about ui preferences, one of
them let the user read last metrobus news (created a webservice),
favorite destionation panels and let the users some comments for
- Java
- MongoDB
- Firebase (Mostly notification service)
The web app which display earthquake data of istanbul according to
municipality data. User can select district then display the data.
- React
- Redux
- Echarts
- antd
- styled-components
The cross platfom app (android, web) users can schedule meeting and
invite people. Create an rooms when scheduled meeting started, then
the moderator demonstrate the related document. Participants can
send the message while prediction continues. The moderator assign
the task to participants. System saves the task with deadline. The
participants has own page which can track own tasks.
- Javascript
- Jquery
Student Attendance System
The multiplatform app which tracks students attendance to lessons.
Teachers and parents has visual pages which can see the overall
student/students reports. Teachers has feature to send mail of
analysis reports to specific student parents
- React-native
- mysql
I have a channel most about Javascript and its' frameworks
- React
- Next.js
- Typescript
- javascript